Saturday, September 11, 2010

Busy, busy, busy.

Im busy with study for a test on monday, then an assignment due on tuesday. Today I woke at 11, had two shakes and did biceps.

BB Curls 12x20 10x30 8x40 6x50
DB Curls 10x15 8x20 5x25
Machine Preacher Curls 8x4 6 8 10 6x12 6xstack
*maxed out the machine preacher station and its the first time ive used it. i had to improvise cos some idiot was hogging the preacher bench. felt good, but ill use one hand next time.

Had an ultimate whopper, large coke PWO. Definately not ideal, will have my crazy shake after my shower.

In terms of discipline in terms of getting up, going to the gym and preparing and eating good food, ive been shocking because ive been busy plus have slept in too much, up until tuesday, nothing will change. Wednesday im preparing all my meals as I have no more assessments. You must adjust to what your up against, for me this means, a lot of study time and not much time for anything else. May even skip the monday gym and go tuesday (usually an off day), or just have a light session. Don't know yet.

Blah blah blah

I royally fucked up on friday. After getting 2 hrs sleep wednesday night and having uni then work all day, I passed out after work thursday and didnt wake till 3.45pm in the arvo on friday, missing the gym and having to start work at 5pm. In terms of diet: 4 eggs, 3 bacons, 3 toast, milk, beef jerky, 4 slices of pizza, 1 chicken strip, 1 dim sim, 2 mids of VB, a mega mac (double big mac) and some more milk. Unhealthy but high in calories.

Today, woke up at 11.45am, had 1s P+C, 1 bottle 'v' energy drink, 1s P+C (during the gym), triple ultimate whopper PWO, 500mls milk, 2tbsp peanut butter+olive oil, 1s whey and now feel bloody tired. Too much food, overslept and now have to study.

Good thing is, my workout out was real good.

Leg Press 6x120 140 160 180 200 3x220
Stiff-legged Deadlifts 12xbar 30 40 50
Squats 6x60 70 5x80* failed, lucky the safety rack was there :(
Lunges 8x30 30 40 50
Calf Press 15x40 12x120 3x120 10x140 8x140 8x140
Seated Calves 15x25 12x35 10x45 6x55

Tip: Really need to work on my flexibility in hamstrings and have been doing static stretching every day after or before my workout. Today I did it before legs, but also used light weight on leg press and allowed the weight to stretch everything out. And incorporated stiff-legged deadlifts into my workout. Although I cant reach 90 degrees with a straight back, gradually using heavier weights, high-reps allowed me to feel it in my hamstrings, whilst stretching them out. I could almost touch my toes afterwards!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Arms 8/9/10

CGBP 6x60 70 80 90
BB Curls 10x20 6x25 35 45 50
PJR's12x20 8x30 40
DB Curls 8x12.5 17.5 22.5
Tricep Pulldowns 10x70 80 8x90
One-arm Ezy Bar Preacher Curls 10x15 20
DB Preacher 8x12.5

Good work, though I hurt my neck from straining on PJR's. This is the third time this has happened whilst training and is most likely to improper form and straining too hard.

Diet: 1s whey (150cals), 1s P+C (250cals), Ultimate Triple Whopper (1200cals), Crazy shake [500mls milk, 1s P+C, 2tsbp peanut butter, 2tbsp olive oil] (1000cals), 3 beef tacos, 500mls milk.

More pics

September 2010 - 92kgs

What I currently look like

September 2010 - 92kgs

Too much fat. Need more mass everywhere. Specific focus to be given to legs, calves and shoulders.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Kai Greene... the epitome of what bodybuilding is about. Everything that he does is geared towards achieving the end goal. He talks about in his 'redemption' DVD that he is creating a vision, and that everything he does is geared towards that vision. Everything that he has achieved is as a result of the effort he puts forward - what time he gets up, what he does during the day, what he achieves with that day.

I make this point because I am trying to emulate what he does, I'm trying to get up early, get my meals in, train as hard as I can with full effort, full focus and that's what I need to become proficient in, if I'm going to get where I want end up. Today my alarm was on vibrate so I didn't wake till an hour ago (12pm). Annoyed (again), I've gotten up, weighed myself, 91.9kgs, have had my protein shake, make another carb and protein shake for training and go and smash my arms into another world.

Nothing matters but the end goal, right?!

I find it frustrating looking at myself and then at others. Watching them progress from a young age, to the bodybuilders they are today. From a skinny little guy, to a huge mass monster. Currently I weight 91kgs, have 15.5" arms, have a fair amount of fat on me and would hardly call myself a mass monster. Don't you just love those transformations from fat to skinny with abs, or from scrawny to brawny (also a good book by Dr. John Berardi). I do. I always wanted to do one of those transformations. And prior to writing this, I was actually just thinking of doing one...


So I'm not going to. "But you can't be miserable all your life, what if you don't make it?", you say. Well, I'm not going to be miserable, and I'm not going to bulk forever, therefore I won't be miserable. Just think about it. Wouldn't you rather be huge. Be that freak that walked in the door of the store. The guy that walks down the street that everybody looks up to (because they have too!!). I do. And that's why, after so much procrastination and changing from wanting abs, to being huge, to wanting abs to being huge...


From here, I will stick with the following goals for the next few years. Sure, things can change, I could get injured, get sick or even die!! But that won't change the fact that there is an end goal and I want to achieve it. No... I WILL ACHIEVE IT.

*positive thinking, positive thinking*

So here they are... my goals.

Everyone wanting to do something in life must;
-create specific goals (short, medium, long-term)
-make plans on how to achieve those goals
-carrying out those plans, and
-assess the plans, and make changes where necessary

- Train consistently, gaining strength or progressing in someway each session
- Eat a well-balanced diet, which provides me with building blocks for muscle development, in addition to enough calories to gain weight
- Reach 100kgs in body weight by the end of 2010

- 18" arms by 25 years old (just under 2 years from now, currently at 15.5")
- Get down to 10% body fat (or achieve full abdominal definition) before I turn 26 years old.

- Win my pro-card in the INBA
- Win the Natural Mr Universe

So that's it. Nothing big :) but enough to keep me motivated and on track. Definitely no cutting till 25.