Saturday, September 11, 2010

Busy, busy, busy.

Im busy with study for a test on monday, then an assignment due on tuesday. Today I woke at 11, had two shakes and did biceps.

BB Curls 12x20 10x30 8x40 6x50
DB Curls 10x15 8x20 5x25
Machine Preacher Curls 8x4 6 8 10 6x12 6xstack
*maxed out the machine preacher station and its the first time ive used it. i had to improvise cos some idiot was hogging the preacher bench. felt good, but ill use one hand next time.

Had an ultimate whopper, large coke PWO. Definately not ideal, will have my crazy shake after my shower.

In terms of discipline in terms of getting up, going to the gym and preparing and eating good food, ive been shocking because ive been busy plus have slept in too much, up until tuesday, nothing will change. Wednesday im preparing all my meals as I have no more assessments. You must adjust to what your up against, for me this means, a lot of study time and not much time for anything else. May even skip the monday gym and go tuesday (usually an off day), or just have a light session. Don't know yet.

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