Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Arms 8/9/10

CGBP 6x60 70 80 90
BB Curls 10x20 6x25 35 45 50
PJR's12x20 8x30 40
DB Curls 8x12.5 17.5 22.5
Tricep Pulldowns 10x70 80 8x90
One-arm Ezy Bar Preacher Curls 10x15 20
DB Preacher 8x12.5

Good work, though I hurt my neck from straining on PJR's. This is the third time this has happened whilst training and is most likely to improper form and straining too hard.

Diet: 1s whey (150cals), 1s P+C (250cals), Ultimate Triple Whopper (1200cals), Crazy shake [500mls milk, 1s P+C, 2tsbp peanut butter, 2tbsp olive oil] (1000cals), 3 beef tacos, 500mls milk.

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